Monday, 25 July 2011

First post

This is my first post in a blog and as such is a simple welcome and brief explaination about this blog.

Firstly thanks for coming across my blog and if you read on, thanks for that as well.

The Richardsons of Ulster, as the title suggests is about the Richardson families of Ulster. This blog is intended to be a form of resource for anybody trying to trace their Richardson ancestry in Ulster. The information this blog will contain will be the result of my personal endevours to explore Richardson ancestry in Ulster. Most important of all the information will be free!

My blog name is Virtute acquiritur honos, which is the motto of the Richardson name going by any family crests that can be found. It means "Honour acquired by virtue".

There is claimed to be four distinct families of Richardson's in Ulster:

  • The Richardsons of Drum, County Tyrone
  • The Richardsons of Poplar Vale, County Monaghan
  • The Richardsons of Rossfad, County Fermanagh and Richill, County Armagh
  • The Richardsons of Eagerclougher (near Loughgall), County Armagh

To me this implies that unless a Richardson in Ulster can prove otherwise, they in theory descend from one of these four families.

My personal focus will primarily be on the Richardson's of Drum, to which i am close to connecting my family to, but have so far failed to find that elusive link in the chain. However i will also focus on the three other Richardson families where possible as well as any historical Ulster Richardson's of unknown ancestry i come across.

Hopefully this blog will help other people trace their Richardson ancestry in Ulster and help provide missing links.